Elliott Erwitt in Fotografiska Museet Stockholm

This post was supposed to be profound. Because one should sound profound when talking about art, right? But when art speaks loud, all other words become awfully unnecessary. So I just sigh.

A hundred and one times.

Meanwhile, Elliott Erwitt does all the talking for me. In images and words.

Elliott Erwitt in Fotografiska Museet Stockholm

I bark at dogs. […] Once I was walking down a narrow street in Kyoto behind a lady who was walking a dog that looked interesting. Just to see, I barked. Immediately, the lady turned and kicked her bewildered dog. I guess we had the same kind of bark.

Elliott Erwitt in Fotografiska Museet Stockholm

Color is for work. My life is already too complicated, so I stick to black-and-white. It’s enough. Black-and-white is what you boil down to get the essentials; it’s much more difficult to get right. Color works best for information.

Elliott Erwitt in Fotografiska Museet Stockholm

People tell me I am good at visual puns. I guess that’s true. Some people hate them; I love them. […] Some people say my pictures are sad, some think they’re funny. Funny and sad, aren’t they really the same thing? They add up to normality.

Elliott Erwitt in Fotografiska Museet Stockholm

The exhibition is currently shown at Fotografiska in Stockholm. Head there if you have the chance. And, psst, big lines may form on weekends, so the earlier you get there, the more of Erwitt you will have only for yourselves.

The quotes are taken from the foreword Dedication written by Elliott Erwitt for the book Personal Exposures, published in 1988.



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